Plant Id : 373

Plant Name : Bahera

Scientific Name : Terminalia bellirica

Family Name : Combretaceae

Location : Botanical Garden

Properties : It has astringent taste and after digestion it is sweet in taste, pacifies kapha and pitta dosha and possesses cooling effects and hot potency. Bibhitaki is used in purgation therapy, cough, eye and hair problems, worm infestation and voice hoarseness. Seed kernel is astringent in taste, narcotic, easy to digest and used to cure thirst. Terminalia bellerica is an herb of triphala. It is laxative in nature and used in the purgation therapy. Fruit is anti-bacterial in nature and used to fight against various infections.It is rejuvenating in nature and it is very beneficial for hair growth.Bibhitaki is useful in hoarseness of voice, asthma, cough and common cold. It relieves blocked phlegm and bleeding in sputum